Welcome to the Office of Student Services!

The Office of Student Services plays a vital role in the comprehensive school program within Williamsburg County Schools. We provide services that include prevention, intervention, transition, and follow-up services for students and families. Student Services professionals provide direct services for all children and youth, especially those who are experiencing problems that create barriers to learning and academic success.

To meet the needs of students that are served through this office, we collaborate with other departments for additional services such as education, counseling and individual assessment that will assist students.

Student Services Staff

Note: Student Release Forms are submitted to the Superintendent's office on Mondays. Please allow a minimum of five days for these forms to be returned to parents. Additionally, kindly ensure that an email address is included on your form.

School Attendance

Regular school attendance is an essential part of a student's learning process and a necessary means to graduating on time and obtaining a quality education; therefore, students are encouraged to attend school daily. Students, who are frequently absent, risk falling behind in academics and missing important developmental and socialization concepts that enhance their ability to advance in experiences in, and out of, the school environment. Chronic absenteeism, especially truancy, is a behavior that is highly associated with dropping out of school. Williamsburg County School District actively work with families to encourage consistent school attendance.

attendance logo

SC Compulsory School Attendance Law

All parents or guardians shall cause their children or wards who are in the age group of five to sixteen years, inclusive, to regularly attend a public or private school or kindergarten of this State which has been approved by the State Board of Education or a member school of the South Carolina Independent Schools’ Association or some similar organization, or a parochial, denominational, or church-related school, or other programs which have been approved by the State Board of Education; provided, further, that any parent or guardian which child or ward is not six years of age on or before the first day of September of a particular school year may elect for their child or ward not to attend kindergarten. For this purpose, the parent or guardian must sign a written document making such election with the governing body of the school district wherein the parent or the guardian resides. The form of this written document shall be prescribed by regulation of the Department of Education. Upon such a written election being executed, that child or ward may not be required to attend kindergarten.


Spanish Version:

Ley de Asistencia obligatoria para las escuelas de SC

Todos los padres o tutores deben encausar a sus hijos o protegidos que estén entre los cinco y dieciséis años inclusive, para que asistan a una escuela ya sea publica o privada, o un kindergarten que haya sido aprobado por el Directorio de Educación del Estado, o que sea miembro de la Asociación de Escuelas Independientes de Carolina del Sur o alguna organización similar, ya sea parroquial o relacionada a alguna iglesia o cualquier otro programa que haya sido aprobada por el Directorio de Educación del Estado. Cualquier padre o tutor que tenga un niño que no haya cumplido los seis años al primero de Septiembre de cualquier año escolar, puede optar por no mandarlo a kindergarten. Para este efecto el padre o tutor debe firmar un documento con el departamento correspondiente en el distrito escolar donde reside estableciendo esta decisión. El formulario de dicho documento debe cumplir con las regulaciones del Departamento de Educación. Una vez completo este tramite el niño no tendrá la obligación de asistir a kindergarten.